Friday, July 23, 2004

this is an audio post - click to play

For some reason I have not spent as much time blogging which incidently coincides with the fact that I have not spent much time with the bees. I placed the honey supers on vety late this year (July) and I am sure that the bees appreciate the space, but as for honey flow, I fear that it will be a very light yield.

The season began so late, mostly owing to the difficulty in actually getting live bees. My first supplier cancelled and so it was almost May before I could get another source.

The fact that I ahve not been able to spend much time on the hives does not mean that I have lost any interest. In April I was saddened by the empty hives and toyed with going a year without the bees, but I really missed the bees. I found a good source and bought two nucs and so began the season.

Earlier this week I was mowing down by the brook and you could smell the beeswax and honey on the light breeze. For me there is nothing finer than the fragrance of the apiary.