Monday, May 05, 2003

While it has been awhile since I have blogged, Spring has occasioned upon us here in New England, and as such I have begun my musings again. All of my bees had died this past winter.

It had been a tough year and I think that by December all three hives had pretty much been wiped out. In March I failed to hear the telltale buzzings inside. On a warm late winter day I opened the hives to find all of the bees dead. It was pretty depressing to lose all those insects.

But, with life comes certain death, and in the case of the beekeeper, there are so many things that can destroy a colony, it was pretty evident that this was to be my lesson. In moving on, I have purchased two nucs from Merrimac Appiaries and these gals are very strong.

Yesterday I nstalled two fresh nucs into the hives. Bees and Beekeeper doing well.

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