Yesterday I opened the hive for a brief inspection. All is going extremely well. The bees are building up large quantities of brood comb and they are all so very busy. In fact, the bees are so busy that I was able to perform my inspection without any protective gear at all. The bees remain calm and have a very nice disposition.
I will let a few weeks go by and then before I add a second brood chamber, I'll do an inspection of the drawn frames.
All else is going well. It is another rainy day here at Postfield. Blech...
Sunday, May 27, 2001
Sunday, May 27, 2001
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Thursday, May 24, 2001
I inspected the hive last night. Of concern to me has been the fact that for most of the past week we have had rain and very overcast days. The chill and damp has kept the gals inside and they have consumed about a quarter of the medicated sugar syrup that I have mixed up for them.
All appeared calm and the bees seem busy down in the frames. I am trying to keep them stress free and look forward to warmer, sunnier and calmer weather. Soon they will be seeking out pollen and nectar. I will do a second more in-depth inspection over the next few days.
Thursday, May 24, 2001
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Tuesday, May 22, 2001
The bees have arrived and this past Saturday they are in their new hive. About 10,000 bees have begun to forage in and around Postfield. They have been very active and over the past few days I have seen them carrying large quantities of pollen in their leg baskets.
The transfer of the package of bees was textbook perfect, except I did lose the Queen Bee for a few minutes when I had accidently dropped her cage into the mass of bees already poured into the hive. But, all went well in the end.
Today is rainy and overcast, the bees will not be to happy and should stay in most of the day. I'll do my first hive inspection later this week. All outward signs are good this early. Unfortunately, the bees arrived fairly late (May 18th) and it will be a busy summer for the little ladies of the Postfield Honey Company.
Tuesday, May 22, 2001
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